



spin飞转,in a groove墨守成规,deliver送货,undo消除,conviction深,take over接管,spare空的

凯特看了家里人的信-大家都快结束自己的假期,她本能地打电话安排一切,只为家人们回来有个干净温暖的家可以歇脚。spin in grooves用得真好,脑子沿着固定模式飞转思考,smiling,conviction,decision写出她擅长统筹家里的一切,从容自信。

She reached for the telephone. "Is that The All Purpose Cleaners?"she began, and saw that Maureen stood in the doorway, staring at her. Philip was behind her, his hands on either side of her waist, as if presenting her to Kate. Presenting something he had created? Maureen was different. The fantasy had gone out of her appearance. She wore a sensible suit, and her hair was wound in Gretchen braids around her head.


stare at凝视,fantasy幻想,wind缠绕,all purpose通用的


Kate was soon too deep inside skilled organisation to remember Maureen and Philip were there. Making herself a cup of tea, in an interval, she turned to offer them the teapot, when she saw they were not there, but in the bedroom. They were quarrelling. While she rang Mary Finchley to ask her to tell the windowcleaner they both used that a special visit would be needed, she turned to see Maureen, eyes red, face swollen, seated at the table. She was again staring at her.


in an interval一会儿

eyes red,face swollen看得出莫琳大哭了一场,让人忍不住心疼。

"Don't cry!" she called cheerily; and saw the girl's face set in hate. "Don't talk to me like that," said Maureen, and Kate was almost checked. Not quite: she was still at the height of pleasure at her own capacities, unused, she was feeling, for decades, not weeks. But she was looking at Maureen, as she listened to the telephone ringing in Mary's house. Mary was out. Kate put the receiver down, and saw that Maureen's face had gone slack and pathetic with the force of whatever woe she suffered. It was a little girl's face, and she stared at Kate in fear.


slack 松弛的,pathetic可怜的 woe悲伤,check停止




Kate's limbs were beginning to understand that they had been in some kind of a fever which was now subsiding: they had already lost their pleasure in decision. Kate was all at once tired, and understood that she had been, for the last minutes, a little crazy. She stared at Maureen. Maureen stared at her.



Kate sat down and kept silent. She was thinking that she had indeed made a long journey in the last months. Before it she could not have sat quite, while a girl her daughter's age wept with misery because of her, Kate's, power to darken her future. Kate, at the other end of what she suddenly was feeling as a long interiorjourney, would have been "sensible," made balanced remarks of one kind or another, attempted consolation, because she had still believed that consolation could be given. Yes, that was where she had changed. She remarked, "Where I think you may be wrong is that you seem to be thinking that if you decide not to become one thing, the other thing you become has to be better."




Maureen nodded, without lifting her head. But she stopped crying, and after a time, straightened herself with: "All the same, when I was about ten I took one look at that and said I'd anything, I'd rather die than be that. It's awful. "


"You're saying this to me because you have never been able to say it to your mother." She laughed, and said, "Probably at this moment somewhere in America Eileen is screaming at some poor female because she never had at me. She's only sulked. Muttered. Broken plates. Slammed doors. Pretended to be pregnant so the whole of the house was in suspense for weeks-the lot. You know," said Kate, in a sudden flush of pure hate, retrospective and nothing to do with Maureen.



sulk生闷气,mutter嘀咕,slam砰地关上,in suspense让人的心悬着,flush一阵强烈情感,retrospective回顾的

Maureen said, "What are we to do? What? The thing is, I think I love Philip." Kate must have been looking something she was not aware of, for Maureen insisted, "Yes. It's not the first time I've been in love. This is it. Love. It's why one gets married. I was in love before and I know. I wouldn't marry him either. I'm not going to be one of that crowd."


"Which?" said Kate, having a fair idea. For one thing, the flat: Maureen paid the rent, and Maureen did not earn money. And she had the careless, almost callous self-confidence that is the property of a class. On the other hand, an accent, and that same self-confidence can be put on, is put on, and quite successfully, by waifs and by adventurers.



"The aristocracy," said Maureen. "No, not my family. Mine is just a good family, you know, nothing special. But I was asked in marriage by a younger son. William. He is very nice. He is as nice as Philip is when he isn't being so silly-oh listen to me, I say silly because I don't want to know, but silly isn't the word for what Philip is going to be when he gets going, I know that. But what he's suddenly become, you know, omelettes-and-eggs, that's quite new. He was just like everyone else before, but reliable, not opting out. It's terrifying," she wailed, tearing spattering, "what happens to them?


opt out退出,wail哭号,spatter洒

But I would have been rich and everything with William, and I turned him downbecause of that crowd of his, you know, they never see anything that happens outside their little paddock, they're just nice and kind inside their paddock. So I'm not going to marry Philip after turning down William. But I love them, I do. When I fell in love with William I thought Hello, that's odd-so you want a strong man do you? But now I know it. First William and now Philip. I don't love Jerry. I don't love the others. I can't take them seriously.


turn down拒绝,paddock围场,take sb seriously对人认真

outside the paddock和inside the paddock也用的很生动,指圈子之外和圈子之内的人和事。

I mean, my mind can, but something in me doesn't. It's true, isn't it? Women can say what they like but...Jerry has been my chum for years and years. He's another like me, you see. He's a general's son, believe it or not. He's walked out of all that, like me. He's a bum and he mediates. You know. It's a full-time job with him. The perfect all-time alibi. Oh-he's very nice, why do I knock him? I'm not any better? I don't do anything, and I live on my father. But if I've got to choose between a Jerry and Philip it's Philip every time. But I don't have to choose. That's something."




我曾经读过美国诗人Robert Frost的诗The Road Not Taken,里面有这么句话

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.



























































